29 Hours Outdoor Activities and Chemistry Classes

Under the CLIMATE BRIDGE project some well scheduled outdoor activities as well as chemistry classes were planned and developed by the partners ΣΙΒΙΤΑΝΙΔΕΙΟΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΤΕΧΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΩΝ, GREECE and ARI INOVASYON VE BILIM EGITIM HIZMETLERI ANONIM SIRKETI, TURKIYE. They are all available in the links provided below.

The hours proposed are the minimum ones.

  • Planting Inside School - 4 hours
  • Recycle Inside School - 4 hours






  • Plants Identification - 2 hours

  • Composting inside school - 4 hours

  • Carbon footprint - 3 hours


  • Chemistry classes - 12 hours
    • Biodiesel Production with Waste Oils
    • Hydroponic Agriculture
    • Making Eco-Friendly Bioplastic
    • Mushroom, Secret in Nature
    • Paper Making by Recycling
    • Renewable Energy Powered Home
    • Soaps and Bee wax creams from natural raw materials